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27 Life lessons I learned in 27 years.

Hello 28! Can you believe October is finally over. Is it just me or did October feel like 40 days instead of 31 lol. I usually dread my birthdays but this year I decided to celebrate! I celebrated a whole week with friends and felt so loved and grateful for another year around the sun. I learned so much in my early 20's and felt the need to share these lessons with you. Some of these lessons took longer to learn , some I wish I knew and learned sooner and some are just Godly wisdom.

  1. Therapy is golden. With mental health on the rise, all over the world not just the US. I believe we should all seek therapy. It is so vital to find a therapist you can trust and someone who can help you on a deeper level mentally.

  2. Be an advocate for your health. Fight for your health , you are the only person that knows what's going on in your body. Coming from an Endometriosis sufferer I learned the hard way. Listen to your body.

  3. Not everyone is for you and not everyone is going to like you ...that's okay...find your people.

  4. Start saving money , have a high yield savings account and don't touch it.

  5. Don't expect your life to go as planned , it never does anyway. "Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails" Proverbs 19:21

  6. Don't compare yourself and your journey to others. It's you vs you not you vs them.

  7. Friends come and go but a true friend puts time and effort to see you.

  8. Life is not always about YOU.

  9. Health is wealth.

  10. It's okay to be single! Singleness is not a disease! Trust me I've been single my whole life all 28 years. Don't settle ladies it is better to be alone for years than to waste your time with the wrong man.

  11. It's okay to is okay to slow down. In a world that idolizes hustle culture sometimes all you have to do is slow down. BREATHE. This also reminds me of the scripture "Be still and know that I am God". Sometimes all you need to do is be still.

  12. Put your phone down and enjoy the present moment , smell the roses and look around you... look at the birds in the sky...actually taste your food.

  13. God ALWAYS provides.

  14. Read everyday. Reading is knowledge.Knowledge is power.

  15. Eat clean , sometimes skipping fast food is a must for your health. Skip the drive thru and cook at home. It also saves you money.

  16. Learn to do things alone. Go grocery shopping alone , go to the movies alone..restaurants etc. Learn to love your own company.

  17. The older you get the less you care about what others say about you. And then my friend you will experience true freedom.

  18. Take care of your skin! Get facials , use sunscreen and apply retinol at night.

  19. If he likes you, you will know sis and if he wanted to he would.

  20. Life isn't fair but God has a purpose for your pain. Your pain is never wasted.

  21. Be kind always! We are all dealing with difficult struggles in life. You never know if someone is on their last rope or who feels completely hopeless.

  22. Prayer is powerful, never doubt it.

  23. Don't do life alone. For most of my early twenties I would isolate myself whenever I felt depressed or when I would struggle with social anxiety. We were created for people, for community. Isolation makes you depressed.

  24. You cannot please everyone. Pray that God can remove people bondage from your heart. We are called to please God and not people.

  25. Move your body! Exercise is so so important whether its 30 minutes of just walking. It is so crucial to move your body. Exercise has over 20 health benefits including improvement of mental health.

  26. Life is all about balance. Buy the shoes , purse etc. Treat yourself but don't put yourself in debit at a young age.

  27. Last but not least...Get out of your comfort zone. Beautiful things happen when you decide to put yourself out there. Easier said then done ...I know. But even as an introvert myself I had moments where God made me come out of my bubble and I can tell you I never regretted it. The best moments in my life where moments that I put myself out there! You never know where God may be leading you.

So if you read all the way from here ...Thank you.

If you learned any life lessons in your 20's comment down below. I would love to hear them!

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